We are perfectionists. Therefore we will ensure that any document given to us is translated in the best and most reliable way by working with Italian and English bilingual and native speakers, carefully crossing and analyzing the texts. In this way, the translations will be perfect.

Professional translations

We provide you with a wide choice of language combinations performed by professional mother-tongue translators selected on the basis of their respective specializations. Each translator is present in our database with the relevant Curriculum Vitae, training, experience and specialization. Only after having examined your document, we proceed to assign the task. Our internal organization and the numerous collaborations allow us to face and complete the work even in a short time.

The importance of a stylistic guide

We like to agree on a stylistic line together with you, especially on the most discursive texts – see marketing texts, advertising or even tourism promotion texts – in order to establish a validated reference behavior together with you and to which professionals will have to comply with the guidance of the Project Manager.

Quality assurance

The essential factor to stay and consolidate its position on the market: control of incoming and outgoing material through cross-checks and punctual at every stage of translation. We entrust your documents to professional mother-tongue translators, scrupulously selected after having tested their qualities through a thorough examination of the Curricula and the translation tests. Follow-up of the entire production process, careful and meticulous terminology research, industry glossaries, the use of assisted memory software – CAT Tools – which ensures consistency and terminological correctness, up to a careful phase review by internal or external translators. For texts intended for printing and external dissemination, we offer, without additional costs, the proofreading proofreading service.

The 7 phases of translation

1. THE CLIENT’S REQUEST  – Every request is handled very quickly

2. MANAGEMENT BY THE PROJECT MANAGER  – Once the estimate has been accepted, your project must be assigned to one of our Project Managers

3. THE DEFINITION OF A TERMINOLOGICAL GLOSSARY  – The use of your glossaries or industry glossaries to make the translation uniform

4. TRUE TRANSLATION IS INDIVIDUAL BY A MOTHER CHINESE – The suitable professional for the translation in question must be chosen, based on the sector and the language

5. THE REVISION OF A SECTOR OF THE SECTOR (WHEN NECESSARY) – An expert review is carried out to ensure the quality and consistency of your translated text.

6. FORMAT REQUIRED BY THE CUSTOMER – We can perform both the actual layout required for manuals and catalogs, and the simple insertion of the text in the format requested by you.

7. THE PROOF-READING – We also offer proof-reading, an internal rereading by our collaborators, aimed at ensuring text uniformity and integrity in the case of works that have not been paginated by us.

Industry Glossaries and the dedicated Glossary

Translation projects involving the same sector or the same client require consistency and terminological uniformity, how to do it? Multilingual glossaries make it possible to use all the most recurrent terms in a uniform manner and consistent with the industry terminology. Multilingual glossaries provide essential support for the translation of large documents (balance sheets, fund prospectuses, large technical / IT / accounting manuals) for investors, shareholders, entrepreneurs and managers Each glossary that will be created will be put to your consideration for validation. Regardless of the translators involved in the project, there will be a constant exchange of information for updating the glossaries dedicated to your company, ensuring a high terminological uniformity and also implementing the stylistic and terminological preferences you indicated. Everything is associated with the use and development of translation memories of CAT TOOLS.


Proofreading normally means proofreading, finalizing the proofreading of any typing errors, misprints, repetitions, missing parts and spelling and syntax errors in general, including layout control and so on. In this post-translation control phase, therefore, a terminological check is not carried out and no vocabulary is used, unless there are striking and easily identifiable cases, and therefore neither the contents nor the stylistic register are acted upon. The revision – “editing” or “cross-check” in English – is instead more thorough, not limiting itself to the syntactic-grammatical aspect but also to the terminological and stylistic aspect, in order to provide an improved text in all its aspects. Care will also be taken to compare the translated text with the source text in order to ensure that there are no omissions or any errors in the evaluation and interpretation of the contents. It is clear that the revision involves more time and skills than proofreading, so it is also more expensive. Both services, revision and proofreading, are possible in all language combinations and if necessary also with urgent time frames. The revision or the simple proofreading are carried out on file or even directly on-line in the case of re-reading or revision of the websites.

The services are entrusted to trained professional translators and experts in the various sectors